Magnesium is a player in over 300 enzyme systems in the body! These include protein production, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control and bone development. It might also have a role in high blood pressure and heart disease, osteoporosis and migraine headaches.
The effectiveness and safety of magnesium has long been established for arrhythmias, severe asthma, and migraines as well as eclampsia and pre-eclampsia.
Magnesium is found naturally leafy green vegetables, legumes (lentils, soybeans, chickpeas), nuts, seeds and whole grains, spinach, potatoes and seafood. Deficiency can cause loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and weakness, hyper-excitability (cramps) and abnormal heart rhythms.
Common causes include poor dietary intake, too much processed food, impaired absorption due to gut problems and/or medications, certain medical conditions such as diabetes (if poorly controlled), increased excretion by the body caused by alcohol, laxatives and some medications.
If it is required, magnesium supplementation can be used as an adjunct treatment and works best as part of a holistic treatment approach including modifying dietary habits. The specific salt in a supplement makes a huge difference - chelated Magnesium (eg glycinate) provides the best bioavailability (bang for your buck) while citrate salts can cause loose bowels.
So there you go, magnesium, as everywhere as the Kardashians, but definitely, infinitely more beneficial for us all!
Quote of the Day: Like Rabbit, never let things come to you, Always go out and fetch them (from Winnie the Pooh's Little Book of Wisdom)